Friday, August 27, 2010

Common Questions

Common Questions

Mary Radford, RN | August 27, 2010 at 7:04 pm | Categories: Common Questions | URL:

August 27, 2010

My eyes get red and irritated from medicated washes, do you have any advice for when I use the Sulfur Wash?

Here are some tips to protect your eyes and reduce getting the wash into the eye area:

1) Put a towel close by the sink.

2) Only use the fingertips when gently massaging the UNBLEMISH Acne Treatment Sulfur Wash over the face.  Avoid the eye area.

3) When rinsing, splash water over the face and keep the eyes closed tightly.

4) When the silky feeling of the wash is gone from the skin, rinse once more and dry the face with the towel.

How can I conceal a blemish?

Soak a Q-tip in an eye brightener like Visine, and lay it on plastic and place in the freezer for thirty minutes. Lay it over the blemish for one to two minutes, gently turning it so that a cold part is against the blemish to reduce the redness and swelling. Allow to dry, then lightly dab and blend an opaque concealer over the area and feather out the edges. Layer the ENHANCEMENTS Mineral Peptides over the face lightly and touch up any areas with the concealer.

Posted via email from Beautiful Skin with Rodan+Fields

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